Mayor Secure Elbow Support Cap


Mayor’s Supporter Elbow caps has great elastic manners, thus providing excellent flexibility and adequate compression and easiness to put on and off.This joint pain relief sleeves provides valuable assistance for basketball, baseball, volleyball, martial arts, crossfit, workouts or any fitness activities. Mayor’s Elbow caps are ideal for low or high impact exercises enabling you to minimize stress on your elbow and recover quickly

  • Improved blood circulation with compression support: provides the ideal compression to provide the maximum boost to your blood circulation. Better oxygen circulation helps to reduce lactic acid build up and aids pain relief in your elbow
  • Sports: suitable for all sports activities that involve a great amount of stress on the joints like: basketball, soccer, football, golf, cycling, tennis, hiking, volleyball, skiing and much more.
  • you are kindly suggested to choose a smaller size if you prefer a tight or supportive fit